XML example: prescription_request_notification_denied.xml
The deny notification to be sent is a kmehr transaction with following specifications:
- The transaction is a notification transaction
- A custom transaction type indicating that this is a prescription request.
- <cd S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" SL="CD-TRANSACTION-TYPE">prescriptionrequest</cd>
- A custom ID is specified to indicate that this notification is associated with a previous prescription request with the same ID
- <id S="LOCAL" SV="1.0" SL="ID-PRESCR-REQUEST">f9ec57c7-f3f8-4946-9131-1b2773da43df</id>
- A custom notification value indicating that the doctor has accepted the prescription request.
- The author of the notification is the GP
- A free text value specifying the reason why the doctor has denied the request.
- <ns4:text L="nl">Reason text</ns4:text>
The complete set of rules for the prescription request can be found in the form of xpath queries
xquery version "1.0";
declare default element namespace "http://www.ehealth.fgov.be/standards/kmehr/schema/v1";